7 Farmhouse Landscaping Ideas for Adding Simple Beauty to Your Yard

Mellow Shades of Flowers

Plants in a classic farmhouse garden highlight the residence and soften the harsher, rustic design aspects. 

Plant a Vegetable and Herb Garden

Herb and vegetable gardens are essential, according to the notion that a farmhouse should be functional and possess a useful design style.

Borrow the View

Farms, with their vast swaths of land in rural areas, exude an open, natural vibe that is free of the restraints of urban life.

Keep It Natural

Working with rubber, plastic, and other manmade materials may be easier and less expensive to purchase and install, but farmhouses rely entirely on natural materials. 

Fuller Border Gardens

Farmhouse landscaping frequently includes thicker, fuller border vegetation with very little soil or mulch showing. 

Embrace the Natural Look

As with broader plantings, farmhouse design is distinguished by plants that are let to grow naturally without excessive trimming or shaping.

Keep It Simple

Farmhouses emphasize simplicity, utility, and minimalism.