The most abundant tree in North America, red maple, is found in varied temperatures and ecosystems in the east. Acer rubrum is a prolific seeder and grows from the stump, making it common in forests and cities.
The eastern coastal states' most planted pine tree is Pinus taeda, also known as bull pine and old-field pine. The most common pine tree used for paper and solid wood, it grows from east Texas to the pine barrens of New Jersey.
One of the most active pioneer trees, sweetgum swiftly takes over abandoned fields and cut-over woods. It grows well in marshes, dry uplands, and hill areas up to 2,600', like red maple.
This fir tree grows in the western United States. Only the redwood is taller. It can grow in wet or dry places and on mountain and ocean slopes from 0 to 11,000 feet high.
Populus tremuloides is the most widespread tree in North America, encompassing the whole northern continent, although having fewer stems than red maple.
Eastern North America's fall foliage "star" is Acer saccharum, which is common. The Northeast maple syrup business relies on the tree, which symbolises Canada.
Balsam fir, like quaking aspen, is the most widespread fir in North America and the main component of the Canadian boreal forest. Abies balsamea grows in marshes and mountains to 5,600' on damp, acid, organic soils.