Portrayed by Anthony Carrigan, NoHo Hank is a Chechan crime boss in the HBO series "Barry." He brings comedic relief to the show while still maintaining his villainous edge.
NoHo Hank - Barry
Played by Joseph Morgan, Klaus is a complex character who oscillates between villainy and vulnerability in "The Vampire Diaries" and its spinoff, "The Originals."
Klaus Mikaelson - The Vampire Diaries
Created and portrayed by rapper Lil Dicky (Dave Burd), "Dave" is a comedy series on FXX that explores the challenges of pursuing a music career while navigating personal relationships.
Dave Burd - Dave
James Spader portrays Raymond Reddington, a criminal-turned-informant who assists the FBI in capturing other criminals in the series "The Blacklist."
Raymond Reddington - The Blacklist
Played by Samantha Sloyan, Bev Keane is the villainous mastermind behind the events of "Midnight Mass," a series created by Mike Flanagan.
Bev Keane - Midnight Mass
Melanie Lynskey portrays Kathleen, the head of a rebel group seeking revenge in the television adaptation of the video game "The Last of Us."
Kathleen Coghlan - The Last of Us
Played by Park Hae-soo, Cho Sang-woo is one of the contestants in the deadly survival game depicted in the Netflix series "Squid Game."
Cho Sang-woo - Squid Game
Victoria Pedretti portrays Love Quinn, a complex character who becomes entangled with the protagonist Joe in the Netflix series "You."
Love Quinn - You