King cobras are the longest of hundreds of poisonous snake species. A 10- to 12-foot-long, 20-pound adult snake. A cobra "stands," it can face an average-height person.
King cobras have a flared hood while on defense. The king cobra's hood and other sections feature distinctive markings. It looks like snake skin, but it's rib bones and muscles that can move.
Venom from poisonous snakes is neurotoxic or hemotoxic. Neurotoxins impact the neurological system of humans and animals. However, rattlesnakes and vipers produce hemotoxins, which harm the circulation.
They exclusively consume other snakes, hence King Cobras are cannibalistic. Small animals, rodents, and birds may be eaten, although that's typical of a common cobra.
King cobras are the sole nesters. A female cobra makes a nest of leaves and twigs to deposit her eggs in spring. She erects walls and a cover to safeguard her eggs. An egg clutch may have 50 eggs.
Usually eating rats, the mongoose has been known to battle and kill dangerous snakes. The mongoose won't chase or follow a cobra, but it will protect itself.
Although they can swim and climb trees, king cobras are vulnerable to reptile and animal assaults. On guard, king cobras utilize numerous defenses. They can run 12 mph and like to flee.
These snakes survive over two decades in the wild. They're less sensitive to droughts, food shortages, and other natural calamities than other animals and reptiles