Loving and intelligent cats with a distinctive wild appearance, they bond closely with their human family, enjoy playing games, and are quick to learn to walk on a leash.
Inspired by the black leopard of India, Bombays are friendly and outgoing, enjoy playing fetch, and have a robust nature inherited from their American Shorthair genes.
Resulting from experimental breeding, Ocicats resemble ocelots and are agile athletes known for making giant leaps, enjoying conversations, and even learning basic obedience commands.
Historically known for saving Japan's silk industry, Japanese Bobtails are skilled hunters, excel in agility activities, and have unique, varying tails that add to their charm.
Ancient and exotic, Egyptian Maus are athletic and devoted, usually selecting one favorite person, and are known for seeking me-time in elevated spots.
With a unique crimped coat, American Wirehairs are affectionate and playful, with delayed maturity and sometimes sensitive skin requiring gentle grooming.
Originating from Cornwall, England, Cornish Rexes have curly hair, high energy, and are affectionate and people-oriented, often compared to dogs in their behavior.
Known for their soft and snuggly curls, Selkirk Rexes have two coat lengths, are patient and tolerant, and make loving family members, especially for children.