Joey Chestnut barred from Nathan s hot dog contest over Impossible Foods deal

Joey Chestnut is not allowed to compete in the 2024 Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest.

Chestnut Barred:

Chestnut signed a deal with Impossible Foods, a rival of Nathan's.

Rival Deal:

Major League Eating expressed disappointment over Chestnut's new partnership.

MLE Statement:

MLE allowed Chestnut to compete in a rival contest on Labor Day.

Previous Competitions:

Chestnut earned $200,000 last year and was offered a $1.2 million deal.

Financial Details

Chestnut holds the world record of 76 hot dogs in 10 minutes, set in 2021.

Record Holder:

Chestnut has won the Nathan's contest every year since 2007, except 2015.

Recent Wins: