Selecting a kitchen garden site is the first step. It should get at least 6 hours of sunlight daily. It needs proper drainage and wind protection.
Choose the Right Location
Garden planning is essential before planting. Determine your food garden and space needs. If space is limited, start with a container garden.
Plan Your Garden
Gardening beginners should start small. Choose easy-to-grow veggies like tomatoes, lettuce, and radishes. With practice, you can grow your garden.
Start Small
A thriving kitchen garden needs good soil. It should drain well and be nutrient-rich. Compost and other organic materials increase soil quality.
Use Good Soil
In hot temperatures, vegetables need lots of water. Give your garden 1 inch of water weekly. Use a hose or watering can to water plants.
Water Your Garden
Fertilizer nourishes plants. Use a general-purpose or vegetable-specific fertilizer. Overfertilizing can harm plants.
Fertilize Your Garden
Pests can damage plants and diminish harvest. Natural pest control includes companion planting, crop rotation, and insecticidal soap.
Control Pests
You should harvest vegetables as soon as possible. This ensures freshness and flavor. Try new recipes with fresh fruit.
Harvest Your Vegetables
A kitchen garden provides fresh produce and a peaceful opportunity to enjoy nature. Admire your yard and flora.
Enjoy Your Garden